As part of a continuing effort to identify opportunities for energy conservation, Edison Energy was contracted to perform an energy audit at 910 Mayer Avenue, a former Oscar Mayer site that has been shut down since 2017. At its peak, the facility served as a beacon of bustling commercial activity for Madison, Wisconsin’s north side, accounting for nearly 4,000 jobs in the city. Reich Brothers, an industrial real estate firm based in New York, was tasked with redeveloping the facility. Through commercial property assessed clean energy (C-PACE) financing, offered through Wisconsin’s PACE Program, they were able to assess and make extensive energy efficiency updates to the site.
By providing energy audits as a third-party entity through the PACE program, Edison Energy was brought on to the project, where they were able to calculate energy savings for the facility, which consists of 285,000 square feet of office space and 300,000 square feet of industrial space.
Upon completion of the redevelopment project, the site will be able to serve as a commercial activity driver once more, with the possibility to provide jobs to over 4,000 people.
Customer Value
With Edison Energy’s help, the Oscar Mayer Site was able to realize a number of energy efficiency upgrades. Farhan Khatri, Regional Manager at Edison Energy, stated, “The project stakeholders were focused on executing a long-term sustainable renovation that will result in energy efficiency, better indoor air quality, and high-performance buildings. The energy efficiency and water conservation measures will result in lifetime clean energy benefits that not only benefit tenants, but also the community.”
As a third-party entity, Edison Energy is able to use PACE knowledge to help installation and turnkey projects get the financial support they need, while also helping property owners identify and implement long-term sustainable solutions. For Oscar Mayer Station, PACE funding has breathed new life into the property, allowing it to serve as a source of jobs for the community.
Download a PDF of the case study here
About PACE Wisconsin
Through the PACE Wisconsin program, commercial PACE financing has achieved over $1.5 billion in projects financed. To learn more about the program and see if you are eligible for project financing, please reach out to our team of energy experts.